
Khristofor Scaramanga, Certified Personal Trainer

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Why get a Personal Trainer?


If you are only thinking about weight training, or do it only once in a while, a personal trainer can help you get motivated. You will learn to lift safely from the start, and avoid injury. And you can be assured that the time you spend in the gym is going to give you the maximum return. Working out with a trainer can make workouts more enjoyable, which will keep you coming back.

Form, Effectiveness, Safety

If you are already training with weights, congratulations, you are ahead of the crowd. But are you sure you are getting the maximum benefit from your effort? A small adjustment in the way you lift, a hand placement, your body position, the lifting motion itself, can make your workouts much more effective. For many people, lifting lighter weights with stricter form will lead to better and quicker results, and is much safer. And even if your form is already perfect, a trainer can make your workouts more intense and keep the pace. In the end, you get much better results from the time you spend in the gym.

Your time is valuable. With a personal trainer you can ensure that your time in the gym is well spent.

Your health is valuable. A personal trainer can help you exercise safely.