
Khristofor Scaramanga, Certified Personal Trainer

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Back Workout

This is an example workout. For best results, you should change your workout routine regularly. Substitute different exercises, change the order, vary the weight. When you substitute, ensure that the exercises you combine, work the muscle from different angles: horizontal, vertical, wide grip, narrow grip. Of course, if you
work out with a trainer, that is exactly what he would do.

Don't forget to warm up, and don't forget to stretch.
Seated Lat Pulldown

I like to start a back workout with an exercise that not only works your laterals but also stretches them as you do the first exercise. The Seated Lat Pulldown is a good choice.
  • Find the pulldown machine, and connect the wide bar.

  • Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor, back erect and straight.

  • Grab the bar a little wider than your shoulders.

  • Pull the bar slowly down to your chin, not your chest.

  • At all times, the bar should be directly overhead, not in front of you. Do not lean back.

  • Emphasize pulling with the outside of your hand, where the little finger is.

  • The negative portion of the movement is also part of the exercise, so return the bar to its original position slowly.

  • Repeat for a total of 12 complete repetitions.

  • Rest for no longer than a minute, and repeat, for a total of 4 sets.

Seated Cable Row
  • Find the Seated Cable Row machine, select the narrow V-bar. This bar has two parallel grips, about six to ten inches inches apart.

  • Sit with your legs extended, ball of your foot on the lower part of the foot rest, hips straight, arching a little forward. Do not lean forward from the hips.

  • Start the movement with arms fully extended. Pull the bar to your ribs in a slow controlled movement. Simultaneously, pull your shoulder blades back and together.

  • By the end of the movement, your torso may be arched back a little, but avoid throwing your torso back to build up momentum.

  • Make sure that you use your upper and middle back, not your lower back. Your hip joints should not be involved in this exercise.

  • Return to the extended position slowly.

  • Perform 12 repetitions, rest for a minute, repeat for a total of 4 sets.

If you use the wide bar for the Seated Lat Pulldown, you should choose the narrow V-bar for the Seated Cable Row. For variation, you can use the V-bar for the Seated Lat Pulldown, and the wide bar for the Seated Cable Row.

Bent Over Row
  • Grab a dumbbell. Find an incline bench. You will work one arm at a time.

  • Stand to the right of the bench, parallel to it, facing in the direction of the tall end. Dumbbell in the right hand.

  • Put your left knee on the bench, and your left hand flat on the tall end of the bench.

  • Place your right foot behind you.

  • Extend your right arm to the floor, slightly in front of you, so your back muscle is stretched.

  • Pull the dumbbell to your right shoulder. Concentrate on pulling your shoulder blade back.

  • Keep your elbow in, your back straight.

  • Perform 12 repetitions, switch to the other side, do another 12 repetitions and rest. Repeat for 4 sets.